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They both obeyed and rushed as fast as they could, but…
As they passed Bianca, she rushed outside and shut the door tight.

” Bianca, what the fuck you are doing? ”

” Going bad, real bad. ”

” What? You mad? ”

” This is my turn. stay inside, its safer. Im all out now. ”

With that she started to gather magical energy, the winds started to blow in her direction causing her hair to flutter around furiously, the Paladins started shooting the moment she started channeling the first bullets were clearly showing that the effort was going to be a dead one, but they keep the volley fervent and constant, synchronized with small groups recharging as others keep the fire alive, about 5 rounds of recharging and unloading at the weaver they stop.

Inside the house people were in distress screaming her name but to no avail, Bianca had shut the house tight only to open if she let it. Meaning even if she died, the house would only unlock if she wanted, only way to get out was blowing a wall or something in that sense. And only from inside. Her mother dying in tears, her friends red with rage and screaming, her father however, calm, eyes closed, keeping the composure sitting in the main stairs of their mansion.

” Thats my girl. ” he said

” What!? ” lilac yelled at him ” Shes playing the suicide! you know? ”

” Watch, Bianca is exceptional ”

after the rounds, heavy smoke  was all around, you could barely see anything besides it. but with the slow dissipation, there was the girl, eyes sparking white, hair floating in the air, and a white light emanating from her body.

” My turn. ”

She draw an arc with her arm pointed towards the Paladin soldiers, the movement created a crescent blade launched in horizontal style aiming to hit every single soldier in the perimeter. But midway the blade grew into a screen and by the time it hit it was resembling a wave. It leaved a trail of destruction from the moment Bianca left it, Tiles from the floor, pieces of dirt from the front gardens, everything burned, and what was left of the soldiers? Nothing. not even a small token to tell their tales.

” Thats all? ” she said. ” Im not even getting started. ”

” Then could you concede me this dance milady? ” a familiar voice

Lillian just arrived in a motorcycle, heavy armed as it was looking, white armor, crested with jewels, a shield, and a gun, Berretta 89 .22LR.

” Shall we begin? ” Lillian shot the first bullet and go around Bianca in clockwise fashion, Bianca simply disintegrated the bullet in its trajectory still midair, and following Lillian’s way she also started to go around in clockwise fashion, they keep going around shooting furiously, Bianca had her both hands trying to hit Bianca with bullets of light while Lillian tried to do the same, sometimes the bullets would almost crash, but due to the behavior of the small jewels in the head of Lillian’s bullets, they absorbed the magical bullets, making both look like they did crash, while in truth one just absorbed the full impact and power, losing its momentum in process.

” Lillian do you got a plan? ”

” What? ”

” Because, i give you 3 seconds to find a way to defend yourself. ”

” What are y… ”

” one. ”

” w-wai ”

” two ”

” arg! ”

” Three! ” Bianca enchanted her legs to run just like earlier in the metro, only she was trying harder and went much faster, Lillian unloaded a full magazine aiming at only to shot air. Bianca had vanished in a blast of light, Leaving Lillian swiftly looking around.

” Up here! ” Bianca shouted.

” What the hell! ”

Freccia Bianca! ” she pointed towards Lillian, this time twelve orbs were placed, the rain was brutal, The paladin raised the Jewel Shield and absorbed the entire volley, the jewel was now shining bright from the energy it absorbed.

” Bad move, i can use this against you. ”

” What? ”

Lillian opened her hand, showing a small lens housed inside her gauntlet, doing so she shot the energy in form of a bolt towards Bianca.

” The h… ” Bianca projected two light screens, Lillian counterattacked shooting them down, Bianca fell to the ground thankfully before that happened, but Lillian gave chase and keep on shooting, all Bianca could do was run around avoiding being targeted.

” Whats the matter Bianca? Its the same energy as yours. Scared of what you can do? ”

Bianca shot two orbs at Lillian that exploded upon contact, and taking advantage of the noise and smoke, she ran to the backyard.

” Running away girl? ” she waited for a response but got none, then she sighed. ” Ah what now… Okay we are going to play your little game. ”

The backyard was huge, grass all over and plants with flowers of all kinds. Sadly it was dark and the presence of all the flower pots and some trees, tall bushes and all sort of decoration made it a nice place for Bianca to find some kind of ground advantage.

” Where are you Bianca? ” Said Lillian shooting a bush. ” You’re going to hide? ” then shoot a statue. ” Come on, lets finish it already. ”

” I got you now! ” Said bianca coming from behind a large flower pot with a red rose bush. With both hands she shot a huge blast of light towards Lillian.
Lillian then, turned around swiftly and put the Jewel in front of her, absorbing impact and aiming it back at Bianca, upon contact, Bianca broke like a mirror.
” That trick again? ”

” Its called doppelganger. ”

” Clever trick but i wont fall t… ”

” Lets see if what you say holds true. ” Four Biancas were surrounding her now, they all launched a huge bolt of light at her, Lillian duck, but she could feel the heat coming from the thing, the spells unfulfilled each other, and in the small frame of time Lillian hit each of the doppelganger.

” Quit with that! ”

” Theres more from where those came. ”

Three doppelgangers started to fire from Lillian’s back, she shot each one only hitting two, one managed to hit her but the jewel in her armor absorbed the power.

” Your armor resembles Isaac’s ”

” Its standart equipment, Come out bianca! ” Lillian took out a grenade and loaded a flare. ” You have two seconds… ”

no answer

” one. ”

She then stopped counting and fired the flare aiming the sky, finding bianca with the blazing light from it; ” there you are. ” soon afterwards launching the grenade, Bianca reacted shooting the grenade making it explode midair, its easier to hit your targets when you are a weaver, since the bullet can correct its own trajectory while in movement, like a homing missile. The fragments of the grenade were avoided by her using a small barrier, which in turn Lillian fired five times against just to make sure there was not going to have enough time.

but thats when Bianca’s most gifted ability showed up. She can flash small distances.

” What the f… ”

” HERE! ” said Bianca while launching a blast of light towards Lillian

” Up here now. ” Said her at the rooftop now, launching an orb

” Behind ! ” another blast of light

” Attention Lillian! ”

Lillian was completely in defensive, she had few options and her reflex made her use the shield all the time, it was getting at full load. Bianca keep the pressure until the jewel in the shield cracked and exploded wounding Lillian’s arm.

” YOU LITTLE PRICK! I’LL KILL YOU ” Upon rage Lillian thew some sort of explosive in a disc form, they were thin and light, upon hitting the ground these bombs were strong, loud noise, high power, not to count they started small fires all around, she keep on throwing those all around almost getting Bianca in the process, but hitting plenty Doppelgangers set up to hit her.

” Damn she is mad now. ” Thought Bianca.

” There you are. ” Three shots, Bianca ran. ” No place to hide. ” Explosive discs, Bianca keep on running. ” No runing around! ” Explosives on the front of the Weaver girl and Bullets on her back and aimed at her. She flashed, just to the front of Lillian, unloading a small amount of energy to the ground making it tremble a little, Lillian was caught off guard, now almost out of balance Bianca placed her hands in her chest and launched a bolt of light, so strong Lillian fell to the other side of the garden.

Bianca flashed twice, and aimed a shot to Lillian’s gun. Hurting Lillian’s hand with the impact, Lillian dropped the gun in fright, Bianca then flashed again and grabbed the same hand, flashing with Lillian to the middle of the garden.


” WHAT!? ”

Bianca Flashed once a small distance away from Lillian, she whispered quickly

” lasciare che la luce sia la mia catena, si legano qualunque cosa che esso si illumina “

” Catene accecanti! “

From the ground giant chains sprouted binding Lillian to the ground, Bianca keep her hand pointing to her, her hair fluttering in the air as she was constantly channeling mana to the chains, Lillian’s armor could absorb magical energy. Quickly the armor was overloaded and also broke, but did not hurt Lillian, it simply cracked and was no longer absorbing anything.

after that Bianca knelled down and put her hand in the ground.

” Had enough? ” Said Lillian.

” Lillian, dear, im not tired, i just started to break a sweat. ”

” What? ”

” The real deal starts now. Look around. ” Lines of light started to form in the ground, circles and arabesques, scriptues, symbols and suddenly a cone of circles formed from where Lillian was, rising up to the skies and reverting the direction of the tip after a certain height

” girare “

The circles in the air started to spin

” caricare ”

The circles in the ground started to glow

” Stop! ” said Lillian

” Generare ”

In the middle of the circles in the air a ball of energy was emerging, and expanding

” I DONT WANT TO DIE! ” screamed Lillian, trying to free herself from the shackles.

 Questa terra santa, Creato dai miei antenati, per il giudizio, ora portare te la pace. “

The wind started to blow furiously

” Riposi in pace, Lillian la Paladina “

The light inside the swirling circles in the air were shot in a gigantic burst of power, then a tall pillar of light were lit far upwards, Lillian’s body was engulfed by it.

and vanished from the site.

Glas says:” What the fuck!? ” 

Cian says: ” What the hell!? U alright Bianca? “

Scarlet says: ” Where in heavens are you right now? “

Rumena says: ” How the hell did they? “

Lilac says:” Bianca dont go home! i repeat dont go home! “

Bianca says: ” And where do i go, Lilla? “

” Its not like i can just not go back home, we are all weavers there, i must warn them. “

” Besides, they attacked me inside the train, do you have any idea of how many people did i put into danger just because i was scared? Im almost going back there just to check if they are alright! “

Lilac says: ” Forget “

” These “

” people “

” NOW! “

Sienna says: ” They went after you, with a train thats completely packed with people? “

Bianca says: ” Yeah. “

Sienna says: ” What the fuck these guys dont play nice! “

Lilac says: ” Are you sure you are a teacher? “

Sienna says: ” Whaaat? “

Bianca says: ” guys, focus here. “

Cian says: ” Where are you going then? “

Bianca says: ” Home. Where else? “

Lilac: says: ” Remember Viola? “

Bianca says: ” well yes, but you said she wasnt the target. “

Lilac says: ” and thats right, but they attacked at home, i am only alive because Viola gave her life for mine. “

Bianca says: ” you think they would kill my family just because im there? “

Lilac says: ” yes. “

Bianca says: ” im going there anyway, i need to warn them of the danger! “

Sienna says : ” i’ll go there, Lilac is coming with me as well, we’ll ask you to stay with us. “

Bianca says: ” they are weavers too, you dont understand, i might be Lillian’s target now but they’ll kill all weavers they can! “

” we cant afford to let anyone of us uninformed! “

Lilac says: ” Bianca, just go straight home, Sienna and i will be there for you. dont worry. “

Bianca says: ” thank you! ❤ “

Bianca went home as usual that night, Sienna and Lilac were heading there as well. Tonight Bianca was heading home by bus, tired, stressed, completely weary of all the abuse. How could Lillian track her down that way? the only sane explanation for it was that she was being tracked for a while already, and yet how did she knew the cart Bianca was going to take? Nobody chooses the cart they are going to ride, and Bianca doesnt tends to follow a pattern on what cart she usually takes. ” This is an absurd! ” she thought , and when the weariness was finally taking the best of her, it was her stop, she got off from the ride and went straight home.

Upon arriving she saw Sienna’s car parked right at the front of her place, Lilac waved from inside.

” Oh! ” bianca smiled

” The bus sure goes around doesnt it? ” Sienna asked

” Yes, it does… its a tiresome ride but hey, no way to get home using the metro lines today, so… any sight of anything going on? ”

” No, its all quiet. Ok, this is going to be quite hard to explain your parents about… ”

” Not at all miss Sienna. My family is used to it, mother told me that our family used to run a villa, until they started to get hunted by the templars. Said that we were using the devil’s power to heal people and convert them to evil. And our story goes on that way since the catholic church ascended into power. Thats how we ended here far to the north. ”

” They were expecting being followed here? ”

” I used to pray everyday for it to not happen with me. I had plans with my life. ”

” I see. ”

Bianca sighs, and looks to her house. It is a big house indeed, one could say it was a small mansion. Bianca’s family was old and well known for their medicine contributions. most of them were medics, and the weavers of the family were good healers, which caused their fame as good medics grow faster and stronger. They were used to use spells secretly in the hospitals they worked to help their patients get better quicker, also, their clients always had a iron health, thanks to their magical abilities.

After entering home, Bianca went straight after her father who was always at the kitchen, her father had a strange tie to the kitchen, always spending his time there when there was nothing for him to do, making it an easy task for him to be found.

” Papa, we have a… ” Bianca started to cry, and her father got quite distressed because of that

” Bianca what happened? ”

” Papa i, i… ”

” Bianca please stop crying, you are scaring me! What happened to you? ”


” Oh my, dont you… ”

” No! I really got attacked, and by that i mean Paladins. ”

” … ok, this is serious, when, where, who? ”

” Today at the metro, i was heading back home, everything stopped, the lights went dark, they threw sleeping gas bombs, said they would kill everybody if i did not went with them, and the rest is story but, listen father, they might be coming here! And the name of the Paladin was Lillian. ”

” I dont know her but Paladins are paladins, ”

From outside Lilac screamed

” They’re here! ”

” Who are those Bianca? ”

” Its Lilac and my teacher ms Sienna. ”

” Open the door we are going to hold them outside! Tell Lilac and your teacher to come in! ”

” Yes father. ”


After spending some hours together, Each of one of the girls went to their respective places. Bianca wasnt a exception.
Her home was quite far from the school, thankfully she only had to get a train back home everyday. Tonight she keep with her usual route, from the bar down the street until the avenue. Then going down the metro station and getting the first one straight home. Took on about a hour every day.
During the way she used to simply start humming some songs, not being a fan of using earphones or headphones outside, she preferred to listen her small humming, low enough for nobody to listen, except herself. After boarding, she could got to sit comfortably  in one of the chairs, closed her eyes and started the humming.

One, Two, Three stations the train was getting full, when Bianca senses a disturbance, she quickly open her eyes, look around and thinks.

” It must be pure stress. ”

she goes back to her humming but it doesnt matter how much she tries to calm down, its impossible for her to, frustrated, Bianca stops and looks outside, she sees something moving by the side of the railway.

” What the hell is that thing? ”

not two seconds later, the train suddenly comes to a abrupt stop, and the lights go out everyone and everything is shaken at the moment, panic strikes, in the same instant, sleeping gas bombs are thrown through the windows, Bianca reacts by casting a spherical screen around her. the moment she opens her eyes from a blink, the doors suddenly open up and people from the Paladin Organization pour inside the cart.

” I told you to expect me. ”

Bianca suddenly stands up and shouts at the voice ” WHY ARE YOU HERE!? ”

” I have come for you. Isaac was stupid, even thought i… it doesnt matters i am here for you, i am going to hunt each one of you down one. by. one. ”


” It doesnt matter, i know you are going to simply follow my terms to save each one of those poor innocent people. ” She then steps in the head of one of the unconscious. ” Am i right, Bianca? ”

Bianca is clearly nervous, she is about to burst but bursting now could be catastrophic. ” Maybe theres a bomb in the train? Maybe shes simply going to kill us all, it doesnt matters they have ways to make this look like just an accident or the attack of a terrorist or something in the lines ”

” You have only two choices Bianca, listen to me, or pick your luck. ”

Bianca succumbs, she lowers her head and shoulders and says: ” Please, just leave these poor people alone. If its me you want, its me you are going to get. Just stop this bullshit already, and leave my friends alone as well. ”

Lillian smiles ” All that but your friends are going to be safe, i promise you. ”

She then grab Bianca by the hands and takes her outside of the train, she was even being gentle with the girl and that was making Bianca feel more uneasy than before.

” Come with me Bianca, and dont try anything funny, my boys are right behind you, we’re armed with absorbing rounds, so i dont think your light screen can defend you now, i prepared it all for you. im telling you its going to be hard to get away from this. ”

” I dont plan to get away Lillian. Im tired of hiding. Being a weaver is a curse. ”

” Ah, do you think so? ”

” Lillian, if it were you,  right now, wouldnt you feel the same? Having dreams, goals for your life, wanting only to live and enjoy what life has to bring. I am yet to start it and where am i already? Being taken to a execution site, just because of who i am. I didnt even killed anybody, i never stole, i was always a good girl, i studied hard to achieve the best scores, i wanted to go into college, maybe one day get a boyfriend, HELL! I DIDNT EVEN KISSED ANYBODY YET! ”

Lillian stops and quickly grabs Bianca by her waist drawing her very near, then gives her a passionate kiss and looks at the girl with playful eyes.

” So, now you have at least kissed someone. ”

” Y-you MONSTER! ” Bianca says whith an angry trembling voice.

” Why am i a monster? Wasnt you the one complaining the fact you had never kissed someone? now you had it, not only, it was a hell of a kiss, i even got a little turned on. In fact… looking at you, you’re quite the find. Dont you think boys? ”

The grunts smile but then Lillian shouts ” Yeah, but dont get any funny ideas, we’re not going to defile her, we’re Paladins, we’re here to keep the world safe for the human race. ”

Bianca was shocked at how could Lillian was, yet still righteous, she had a cause. Something sparked within Bianca, she remembered what Lillac had said once: ” Its kill or be killed. ”

” Kill or be killed… ” she murmured

her hair started to flutter and pale blue lines were being drawn towards her, Lillian reacted as fast as lightening and shot Bianca right in the forehead. Only to hear the sound of breaking glass.

” What? ” Lillian looked all around the darkness, and as quick as she could she took a flare bullet and fired it aiming at the ceiling. ” Keep your eyes open, turn on your night vision, she cant be far! ”

Bianca was running, running faster than she ever did in her life, she had the idea of sending a message to her friends but inside the railway there was no signal. She was starting to lose hope.

” I dont want to kill anybody! ” she murmured.

Her legs were under the effect of a spell to endure and work at superhuman proportions, the distance was fair by now. At a given point she started to see a light in the end of the railway, ” The Station! ” she thought, wront, it was a blockade.

” Kill of be Killed. ” She remembered Lilac words.

” … i… ” she stopped, breathed and said. ” I… I am sorry. ”

She placed 5 circles in the air, and pointed her palm in the direction of the blockade

” possa la luce della mia volontà, tagliare corto la mia preda. “

she circles started to make rising spinning noises

” Freccia Bianca! ”

The circles started to shot bolts of light at high speeds, the ones at the blockade lost the composure and were quickly wiped by the movement of the girl. While the circles were still shooting, she began running again in the same speed as before, until she got near the Station, from there, she tried to blend and go out, went as fast as possible for her legs to carry her on normal speed and sent a message to her friends.

I am under attack.

Bianca left the rooftop, trying to hold her composure but quite not being successful at it. She was frightened, it was clear as clean glass that the girl had her nerves struck hard. The other students that were around, at least the school and its students were safe by now. The girl grabbed the cellphone, a quick glance at the display and she knew it was still nine o’clock. She quickly tapped through the screen and send a message to the other six:

” please come meet me ASAP at the juice shop near the school’s playground. Be cautious, and come ready. ” 

After sending she didnt even went home, she simply went there and waited for them, there were still some students around. The establishment was well lit and kind of colorful, remembering the colors of many fruits, the fragrance was delicious and the climate was delightful. Definitely cheerful.
It took around a hour for all the girls to arrive there. Why were they answering this call by now should be self explanatory by now, they were all in high alert after Isaac.

” What happened Bianca? ” Lilac was the first one to speak up as they sat down.

” There is a new Paladin already on our… i mean, in my tracks. I already met up with her, her name is Lillian. ”

” Thats nice, we already know the name of our next enemy. ” says Lilac.

” No Lila, it is not. ”

” But why Bianca? At least we know that there is something coming after us! ”

” I can agree with Bianca there Lila. ” said Cian. ” If you didnt notice we took one down, there is another already at our, i mean, at Bianca’s neck. dont you forget what Rumena went by, they actually kidnapped her, this same week we went through heavy bullet fire, you even had to kill someone while taking serious injuries. Stop to think about it. They wont stop until we all are dead, until the whole town is under control and the Walpurgisnacht is neutralized again this year. ”

” why dont we just leave the town? ” Glas asks

” That is a quite nice idea… but… assuming the short scenario we’ve been through… ”

” Glas, they wont leave us be. ” said Rumena.

” W-wait? what do you mean they wont leave us be? ”

” They are hunting us Glas. They will come after us, they wont stop until we are no more. We killed one of their agents, not to mention thats their intent, this wont just stop after the walpurgis. Its going to haunt us forever, we are under their radar now. Glas, we are targets. ”

” We’ll fight then. Right? I mean, thats the only way out. ” Said Lillac.

” Girls, can i finish what i had to say? ” says Bianca.

” Oh. ” – ” Yeah… ” – ” Go on please. ” were their responses

She breathes, orders a cup of milk strawberry and goes on ” She told me to expect her, she didnt left me any other details, all i know is that she is after me, i wont be able to rest, not just because of my own safety, yours as well. Any of us can be a target and, we need each other to survive this. I got to talk to her today, she invited me to the rooftop and we talked a little about what was going on. They are taking over the city, slowly but they are. ” the milk strawberry is well delivered, she takes a sip and continues ” I dont want to die. I dont want people to die because i am making my way through to survive this. I had plans for life, i cant live on being hunted, always paranoid while i try to live a normal life. She even said she was ready to simply  destroy the entire school with or without us inside just to get to us. Can you fucking believe it? ”

Bianca wasnt a girl of cursing around like that.
She started to sob.

” I dont want to stick to the shadows just to live. I dont want to live with the fear of dying every day, i want to enjoy my everyday life without having to be alert at all times of my surroundings. ”

Each girl had a different expression over their faces

” Expect me yes? ” said Lillac ” Was it what she said? ”

” She did. ” The real hunt is about to begin ”  she also said. ” Bianca looked with disaproving eyes to lilac, who was now with her head hanging from the back of the chair, her arms laid to the sides, as she was looking to the lights at the ceiling. ” Lillac, it is not fun. ”

” I never said it was… ” she sighs ” I never said it was… ”

” Then why do you look so excited about it all? ”

” Oh… I have no real idea. ”

” Dont you have plans Lillac? ” asked Cian. ” You know, school is about to end, you should have at least some goal for life for the time we graduate. Its only natural for a person to have some goals. ”

” I… its… hard i… i dont know… i, just dont know what to do. Everything simply feels so… i start to think about it and all kinds of philosophic speeches come to my head, all lectures about future we had until now, it seems that they simply hit and lay down blunt… i… i have no idea about anything. ” she smiles ” Then, i start realizing im being hunted, i feel a rush of energy, its almost like i want to play their game… or is it? ”

” So, you dont have plans? ”

” oh no… i dont have any. ”

” and because of that Lillac, you cant understand what we are feeling now, i guess. ” Said Bianca

” Yeah but, think about it. I can be there, always protecting you guys. ”

They all giggled in unison, and had a small time trying to relax for a bit that night.

you might not know, and there are too few things here for you to notice, but, most stories i wrote are connected in a web os universes, i call it simply Bridge, i dont know exactly why but, well… enough, here goes the serious shit, Enjoy:

some serious shit yo.

click to see it better.

Chapter Seven: This is Not a Joke

Dust rises and covers the place, shards of asphalt fly in the air falling to the ground, sand is scattered and the other three girls watch the scenary for a few seconds motionless. The Silence is interrupted by Cian then:
” Call miss Sienna! What are you two waiting, do it! ”

Rumena fast reacts taking her cellphone out, and Cian runs over to the dust, Glas eyes are watering and she falls to her knees whispering Lilac’s name, but as soon as Cian enters the dust she yells:
” Lilac! ”

As the dust settles, and Cian drags Lilac out, a hole can be seen into the ground. Lilac’s Explosion was its cause, she used it as her last resort. The girl looks quite beaten up, her pajamas are full of dirt and she has a small wound in her arm, she is making some effort to walk, but apparently she ended the fight not much wounded.

” You really ok, right Lila? ” Cian asks

” Yeah, yeah, my belly hurts, my head hurts because of the fall i had when the hole was opened into the ground, im awake thanks to some reinforcement spell i cast on myself, but stones still hurt when they hit me, ah… ” she then stops and vomits. ” arg, ” she yells ” sorry Cian, looks like i put the dinner out, but believe me it was tasty, when i ate it. ”

Cian giggles, the four sit by the wall of a house nearby waiting for Sienna who doesnt takes long.

” Is Lilac alright is she wounded? ” Sienna asks

” She is wounded, but nothing serious, well… she vomited quite a lot there around… ” Cian answers

” He hit my belly too hard, and i was reinforcing my body with magic, it still hurt quite a lot. ” Lilac comments.

” I’ll take you guys home, at least for today you’ll be able to rest, dont worry i’ll cover you guys up for school ” Sienna says

” there is no need miss Sienna… you are not forgetting something, are you? ” Rumena asks, looking suspiciously at Sienna.

Sienna then breathes deeply and looks at Lilac. Lilac turns her eyes wide open at her and says:
” Spit it out already miss Sienna. ”

” Your building was blew up, Lilac. ” Sienna says.

” Gotta be kidding, Sienna you better be kidding! ” Lilac wide her eyes at her ” Where is Alfador? what happened to my cat? ”

” Arent you worried about your parents? ” Rumena asks.

” Nobody was home, Mom is working and father is abroad, he might not come back until September. So everybody is safe, Auntie Amethyst is also coming, i just need to call… arg. ”

” Lilac dont talk, let me take care of this ok? girls, help her inside the car, we’re going to my place. alright? ” says Sienna blinking a smile while spinning the car keys in her index finger.

The four were going with Sienna back to her place, Glas fell asleep over Rumena’s shoulder, she was sitting politely by the window, and lilac had her head over Glas’es lap, she was also asleep, Cian was looking outside with her hand over her chin, and Sienna was driving, with a cigar, the silence was making her kind of nervous, until the time she spoke:
” So, what happened after the park? ”

” Dunno, i wasnt with them. ” Cian responds, ” But by what Rumena told me, these two went inside to rescue her, it was by surprise but suddenly some green explosions made  everything shake and, then, Glas was standing pointing a charge at the guy who was keeping her captive, she didnt saw Lilac up to the point, a huge time passed, and the tension was real high, the guy started to talk something about someone taking the other agents down, the moment he performed an action, she saw Lilac’s magic passing by and killing him, then a huge steel golem and, from what she told, there were even more backup, its almost like these guys bloom from the ground. ”

” Was it that happened at that square? ” Sienna asks

” Well, if you can call that huge place a square, i prefer to think about it more as a park ” Cian continues ” ah, then they called and came to my apartment, we kind of threw a pajamas party and… fell asleep just to get ambushed. ”

” Any wounds? ” Sienna asks

” No, our reflexes are quite fast with the light screen. they tried shooting, we had trouble with a Official but Lilac handed it. ”

” That hole you mean? ”

” Yeah, She blew him up and in the middle, she was also blew up. ” Cian says giggling

” She blew him up, and was blew u… i dont get it. ” Says Sienna taking the cigar out and blowing some smoke out. ” Tell me about it. ”

” Ah, Lilac went one on one with that official, his name was Isaac, well, the fight was fierce, thought Lilac had to land plenty on him, if she wasnt as quick as she is, she might be dead by now, or very injuried. ”

” she doesnt looks good, i tell you, we’ll have to take care of her once we get home. and, about her mother, a brainwash might be necessary. if she contacts the police or some service, it will only get more dangerous to Lila. ” Sienna responds, ” But so, keep on telling. ”

” Well, ” Cian takes from where she stopped, ” Lilla got him with a nice blow but, Isaac countered with a punch to her ribs, it seemed very strong, she fell to the ground, Isaac was about to finish her, but by reflex she tapped the ground and exploded him. ”

” And she was still on the ground? ” Sienna asks

” Yup. ” Cian answers

” And she was near her own explosion? ”

” Yes. ”

” And she didnt got any of the damage? ”

” She only complained about stones and sand, and the impact of falling on her own hole, but nothing else. ” Cian said, ” She even apologized when she vomited, she was like: ” Sorry for vomiting the dinner you prepared Cian. ” “.

” Strong girl. ” Sienna says

” Crazy one. ” Cian replies, and the two start laughing.

Day is breaking, and the morning rays are bathing the town calmly, the town fell asleep and will soon be waking up without the idea of the events that unfold in the middle of the night, the weavers left no trace of anything, they repaired the walls they broke and the hole on the ground was shut, with the body of the officer inside. only the remains of Lilac’s building would be a problem, telling her mother about that would be a huge problem, almost making she think how would that be if she had died back there. as soon as they got by Sienna’s place  they all scattered around the living room, simply stumbling and almost falling asleep on the sofas.

” Dont worry, you dont have to go school tomorrow alright? ” Sienna says smiling, ”  i will cover up for you four. ”

” We need to talk to Scarlet and Bianca about yesterday, i want to see if they are alright. ” Says Rumena.

” Why dont you just call? ” Sienna asks

” Because i want to see both again, i thought i was done for, back there in the park, i would be, if it wasnt for Glas and Lilac. ”

” I also want to go, ” Says Lilac, looking horrible. ” i really want to. ”

” No! by all means Lila, you’re looking like a zombie, aren’t you hurt? ”

” Just my ribs, laying here is being kinda painful, i think i broke one. ”

” You may have. ” Says Sienna, ” I will take you to the doctor, we really must see if you broke something or… ”

” Take her to my auntie, she knows how to weave regeneration ” Says Rumena. ” the way this song is playing, we should be ready at all times, waiting Lilac’s healing would drag us down, and they would probably focus even more on her. ”

” Ok, Lilac and i will visit your auntie, Rumena, you girls if you want you can go to the school, let Bianca and Scarlet well informed and if anything happens call immediately. ”

” We’re all going then, its better if we stay in bigger groups right? ” Glas says.

” Right, right… ah, about your uniforms, theres a share of good ones here, i keep some here. ” Sienna says

” Why do you keep those uniforms? ” Glas asks, Sienna swiftly looks at her, her eyes are saying ” its none of your business ” And Lilac finds strength to face palm.

” Ookay ” says glas after the silent answer.

” Just get dressed and go ”

Sienna goes inside her car with Lilac, and the other girls head to the school, its not much far, as they go paying attention, nothing has changed. The number of students is the same as ever, the aura of the town is the same as ever, nothing changed, everything is more of the same, even thought last night was a tremendous change for the girls, before the scenery right now, it looked like all the fight and effort of the last day were nothing but a terrible nightmare.
The small changes were the fact that spring was coming and the last months of school life were drawing near for these girls, what were they going to do? Rumena started walking a bit slower and slower as if something was heavy on her and there was indeed a new weight over her shoulders, the other girls noticed her.

” Hurry up Runi, ” says Glas ” hmm, is something wrong? Did you not sleep well last night? ” But Glas went unanswered, Rumena was far from that place, lost completely in her thoughts.

” Runi… whats wrong? ” She tries again. ” Hey… ” And she keeps on trying until Rumena finally comes back from her thoughts.

” Oh, sorry Glas. Its nothing, really, im alright, really, you can believe me im alright. ” She says

” You dont look alright Runi… ”

” Whats wrong? ” Cian asks.

” I was just… Thinking. ” Rumena answers.

” About? ” Cian replies

” Ah, nothing important, dont mind me. ”

” Something is heavy? ” Cian asks.

” No, you dont need to worry about me, really. Thank you. ”

” You know… Bianca wont let you go once you spit it out at least to her, its better you start saying it now, before we get to the School, Bianca will probably at the gates as usual. ” Cian answers

Rumena sighs deeply, ” Its about the future, what are we going to do after school? somehow is feels ominous. I do think we are going to survive this situation but, will we graduate? What are we going to do at College? And thereafter? Will this event let us finish our last year in peace? And if not, how are we going to explain this to our parents and to the authorities, if we want to retry the last year? ”

” Some of us have Weavers in the family. It wont be a bother to those, but… people like me or Lilac… Amethyst is the only Weaver in Lilac’s family, and i dont have anyone, but my elder sister Sapphire. If we want to finish school we might need to keep on going regularly but, in order to attend regularly, it becomes dangerous.  ” Says Cian.

” I dont like this talk that much… ” Glas says, ” I mean… if we cant draw or future now, i feel that its because we’re just far from our canvas. Once we get to it, we might be able to think about it in a better way. So we shouldnt be worrying about it now. Look, its Spring and we are starting the day as if last night was just a bad dream. ”

” It was a bad dream for everybody but Lilac, who got broken ribs and vomited lots. ” Cian replies.

” Yeah, but its because she is as stubborn mule and went alone an all out against these guys who are playing serious. She is a stubborn mule but… i like her the way she is, if she wasnt like that she would just totally not be Lilac. ” Glas laughs after saying that.

” Glas is right, i thin we should just calm down and try to live the situation. ”

they keep on walking their own pace until the school, the number of students going in is the same as everyday, the air is soft and calm, nothing to worry about. its a bit cloudy, looking like there is going to have a downpour but nothing hard nor strong. Scarlet and Bianca are by the School doors sitting by the side of the stairs, and upon seeing the other three girls, Bianca weaves a small hi and Scarlet raises her arms up receiving them as if they were victorious warriors back from the war.

” Ah, where is Lilac? ” Bianca asks quickly as they meet.

” At my auntie’s, she got some broken ribs. ” Rumena says casually.

” Broken ribs? Is she alright? ” Scarlet wides her eyes.

” Nothing to worry, she is, already shouting blasphemy against everyone with that sharp tongue of hers. ” Cian answers, laughing.

” What happened? ” Bianca asks for the whole story, and its told as they walk up to their classroom. Upon arriving their corridor, Rumena and Glas says by and head to their class, Leaving Bianca, Scarlet and Cian. They settle in their classroom all around Lilac’s preferred spot, which even if she is absent from school, no one ever sits, and spend the first moments of the morning chatting about silly things.

At Rumena’s Auntie, Topaz, Lilac is chatting with some enthusiasm, and pain, spread like a lazy cat over a sofa while Topaz is deeply engaged in the conversation.

” Ah, that explains that bump on my locker. ” Says Lilac, ” It was you back in your high school days, doing that over a love affair. ”

” Sometimes these kind of things happen, most people cry but i just got mad. ” Topaz answers.

” If you were a bit more resolute. ”

” Indeed Lilac, can i call you Lila? ” Topaz asks

” Ah, yea, go ahead, i prefer Lila over Lilac though, Lilac is just too formal, and… dunno its just to strong, keep on listening to Lilac, Lilac, Lilac, Lilac, it builds up stress inside, you know? ” Lilac says stretching a little. ” Ouch, ouch, ouch! ”

” Ah, dont move yet, it is still hurting. ”

” Alright alright. ” Lilac says

” So, how did this guy broke your ribs? ”

” Punched them, son of a bitch really knew how to punch. ” Lilac frowns

” I never had a fight with a paladin in my life, probably because auntie Sunny told me and Runi’s mother to never go to a Walpurgisnacht . ”

” Wal-o-what? ” Lilac asked

” Ah, you dont know about the Walpurgisnacht? ” Topaz replies

” No sorry,i dont. What is it? ”

” Well, let me tell you a long story… ” Topaz breathes and starts the storytelling. ” Long ago, within the first generation, the generation of the legendary princess, there was only a few weavers, not more than twenty i think, this world itself, talked to the princess and told her to gather her and her children on the top of a mountain in the Germanic domain, as she left with her sons, the Earth talked to her plenty times during the travel, asking them to be the shepherd of  humanity, that you know right? ”

” Yes, and that the weavers are bound to take the travelers ahead to their next destination, although i dont know what this destination is, i have the feeling that it means people die and must go somewhere else after it. ”

” Unlike us, yes. ”

” Unlike us? ” Lilac asks.

” We dont have a soul Lilac, we, the weavers have no soul, once we die, we vanish, we become part of the earth again. ”

” oh… ”

” Humans might go fourth, to another plane, to live a new story, but we, the weavers, our duty is to guard the world, to protect earth, to mince the balance of all things, and to guide humans outside the reincarnation cycle, leading them to beyond. ”

” i see… ” Lilac replies with her voice a bit down.

” But, the rest of the story about the Walpurgis and why it is so important to us, ” She continues. ” Oh well, where did i stopped? Ah, yes, The thing earth was talking to the mother princess was all about this, Earth was contracting the Weaver beings as her guardians and safe keepers, we might be the most powerful kind in the world at that moment, and thats why earth contacted us. ” She breathes. ” But, it was not the only thing, Earth wanted her to be at the top of the mountain during spring, in the rise of a specific day, nowdays this day is April 31, during the evening of May 1. ”

” So… what makes the Walpurgisnacht so important Topaz? ” Lilac asks. ” Man until now, its looking like just a meeting of old hags to have fun. ”

” You are partially right, it is a meeting of, or at least it should be, a meeting of all weavers in the world, to commemorate the day of contract and… to perform a special ritual. ” she breathes.

” So, here comes the important part, a ritual? ”

” Yes, a really important ritual. ” Topaz focus a bit more and continues. ” Among the weavers, there is one who is special, one who have power over even our imagination. we call this person, The Wizard, or, if its a woman, The Witch. ”

” Ok, fine, so… ” Lilac interrupts.

” The Witch is the almighty being in this world, her will is order and realization, whatever she wants, is real, is rule, is order and is possible, even the impossible is possible for her, even the impossible for her is possible for her, she is this kind of existence that goes a little crazy and becomes a nonsensical being, in other words, pure magic. ”

” Goddamn! ” Lilac interjects, ” you’re telling me that, just going to that mountain created such a being? ”

” Earth gave power to the princess there, first, the princess had to lit a fire, high atop the mountain, and wait for Earth’s call. and at the evening of the following day, Earth chose one from all, and gave the almighty connection to her, the princess was the first witch. ” She breathes. ” Well, the witch is charged with a mission too, Earth chooses the witch to keep the balance, to steer the whole human community, to protect earth against any threat, be it from inside or outside, to keep contact with the other world, you know the other world, right Lila? ”

” Yeah, the Creature world. ” She blinks, ” The world were all the magical creatures gods, goddesses, demons and so goes on lives. Do they mean threat? ”

” Some might, and as humans are easily manipulable by anything that can give them power, using them as a bridge is quite usual. ”

” Who is the current Witch? ”

” Nobody is Lila. ”

” Why. ”

” Back in the early middle ages, around 1129 the catholic church founded the Templar order, which was meant to be a military force to fight the crusades,  this thing you know already right? so, historical background advancing on things we already know, money holding, influence and so goes, the order of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, was disbanded in 1312, the group thought, did not ceased to exist, and stayed under the ground hidden for two years, until around 1314, when the first Walpurgisnacht was interrupted, and they acted under the name of Order of the Saint Palace. We the weavers called them Paladins, we misheard the name but, once given, it was too late, the nickname was cool and we keep it until nowdays, they also liked it. ”

” Dude… ” Lilac have her eyes wide opened.

” So, those las seven hundred years, we dont have a witch, this year is exactly the anniversary of seven hundred years since all Walpurgisnacht were cancelled by them. ”

” Dude… ” Lilac is speechless.

” If you look closely, lots of things started to happen since, without the Witch, humanity loses connection to the earth itself. Earth tried to fix it making the location of the Walpurgisnacht different each year, but it didnt solved the problem, and some courageous weavers try to fight the Walpurgisnacht out, so we can have the Witch back, bringing balance to the world. ”

” I dont want to be the Witch, no way. ”

” You dont? I dont go the Walpurgis because its dangerous, but its the first time i hear someone saying they dont want to be the Witch. ” Topaz says, quite intrigued.

” Are you kidding me? Seven hundred years of work delayed, to befall upon one single person? Dude gotta be nuts to do it, hell no, im not being the Witch, go to hell humans, im getting tired of them already. ”

” It is our duty to guide, Lilac. ”

” Guide the ones who are trying to slash your head of and pin it on their gallery of trophies? Thanks but no thanks. ” she says with a humph.

” You cant really run from it, you know? ”

” I am already. ”

Topaz giggles, and so is finished Lilac’s treatment.
” Well, im done here Lila, try to move, feel anything? ”

” It feels perfect, like nothing ever happened before. ”

” It is also reinforced, my mother used to fight the Walpurgis out too, her body is completely reinforced, thats why that old hag is so lively until nowdays. ”

” Thats something to consider, i think im going to reinforce mine too. ”

” I can give you the books if you’d like. ”

” Ah, thank you. i think im going to school now. ”

” Well, there is still time. ”

” Yeah… well, thanks a lot Topaz. ” Lilac says weaving goodbye.

” Ah! Lilac, About the Walpurgisnacht, its probably going to be here. ”

Lilac widens her eyes, and says ” Thank you for the information. ” And runs like lighting. She arrives just in time for lunch, and goes to the cafeteria, she orders the first thing her eyes make contact with and goes directly to the classroom, in search for her friends, and there they are, Bianca, Scarlet, Glas, Cian and Rumena.

” Hey Lila! I heard about your fight yesterday, you got guts girl! ” Says Scarlet.

” Man, you should have seen, and felt, he had real strong blows. ” Lilac replies

” Are your ribs alright? ” Bianca asks.

” Yeah, oh… ” Lilac evades her gaze, looking to the ground, ” Topaz told me a… quite a lot of things, its very complicated, its about us, the weavers. ” she whispers.

” What did she said? ” Rumena asks.

” Something about an event called: The Walpurgisnacht and a thing called Witch and, well new stuff is all that. ” Lilac continues. ” Making a real long story short, there was the witch, and every year the Walpurgis, then, church became powerful, created the templar order, the templar fought us as it fought the crusades too, church disbanded them, they became a new organization but we nicknamed them templars, they stopped the last walpurgisnacht exactly seven hundred years ago, and, they keep on stopping it until nowdays. ” Lilac finishes, ” Any questions? ”

” What is the witch? ” Glas asks.

” She is like god but not really god, just a weaver who can talk to earth. ” Lilac answers

” Why is it a big deal? ” Glas asks again.

” I have no freaking idea. ” Lilac answers.

Glas makes a face of someone who is completely lost among new information. ” Its not even worthy this much ruckus, come on. ”

” Well, assuming the anniversary of the witch being exactly seven hundred this year, since we’re in 2014… well, make some calculations and open your history books, you should be able to see something very weird happening on the following year. ” Cian says.

” Important is, Lila is alright, im glad. ” Says Bianca

” Thank you Bianca. ” Lilac replies.

” I was wondering, since these are our last months as students… most of us know what we are going to do when graduated, right? ”

” Im going to College, try my best in linguistics. ” Bianca answers

” Back to mother in Spain, she says everyone is missing me. ” Cian says.

” Back to the gypsy? ” Glas asks

” Totally, i kind of miss everyone too. ”

” hmm, i dont know yet… ” Rumena says ” What about you Glas? ”

” Spend a year idle, while i think about what am i going to do. ” Scarlet, what are you going to do?

” Me? im still thinking about it. Hey, what about you Lila? ” Scarlet asks her

Lilac stays in silence, looking to her bread, lost in thought, then she breathes, ” I dont know, i really never stopped to think about it, i always looked upon my life not giving a damn about the following day, just thinking about how to enjoy today… after viola i started to take care of my tomorrow, but, not so far, mostly was about how to take propper care of my friends and myself. ”

” hmm, we’ll figure out, the important thing is that, we’re still going to be friends, right? ” Scarlet smiles

” Yes, ” the rest of the girls say in unison

” To the end ” Bianca smiles.

But it didnt lifted Lilac’s mood, after all. and the rest of the break was spent with a small chat between them, once it was over, Rumena and Glas went to their classroom.

The last periods of class are spent like everyday, nothing out of the ordinary, it seems that Scarlet fell asleep, Lilac too, Bianca keeps on doing the same things and Cian gets lost in thought from time to time. nothing out of the ordinary as if the girl’s life had resumed. and in the end of the day the bell rings, its time to go home, as they slowly rose from their chair, Lilac asked.

” Well… my home, you see, it was blew up. mon went to the capital but… i cant go with her because, school. She told me to stay at someone’s place so… ”

” I was oriented by Sienna that i should stay with her, you probably should come too Lila. ” Says Cian.

” Clothing is also a problem to me… Mom will only send me money by the end of the week, so, all i have is for the bus and food, during this week. ”

” Stay by mine Lila, you have some changes left there, remember? ” Scarlet says.

” Oh! Thats right Scarlet, i remember, last time i went to your home i left some changes. ”

” Yep, and mother also wants to see you again, so, will you accept my invitation? ” She says as she picks her cellphone

” Yes, yes please. ” Lilac answers positively

” Well guys, i am going, since miss Sienna is leaving soon, bye all. ” Cian says, leaving the room weaving bye.

Rumena and Glas passes by the door just to weave bye and leave, they live in the other side of the town so its quite a ride from the school to their place.

” Lets go them. ” Says Scarlet taking Bianca and Lilac by hand.

” No, i have some duty left today here. ” Bianca stops. ” Librarian stuff and all, im leaving really late today. ”

” Ah, okay then. ” Says Scarlet.

” See you Bianca… hmm. ” Lilac looks at her, ” Take care. Please. ”

” I will Lila, i will. ”

Bianca leaves to the Library, to help with the books and other things, since its the first day of April, Balance must be made, books need to be checked, lists done, organize all things, and help cleaning the shelf.

” Ah, Bianca, there is a letter left to you here, some girl came by the lunch, she told me to deliver it to you, ah, she said its of extreme importance you read it the moment you receive. Must be grave. ”

Bianca opens the letter calmly and reads it, as she reads her face starts to change, from a calm to a kind of desperate face.

Hello Bianca,

I just wanted to maintain our contact in a minimum until the moment we meet, ah, first of all, i admire your rankings in the school, you are a really outstanding student but, thats not why i wrote this letter.
I want you to meet me at the roof, around nine o’clock, i will wait you until eleven fifty nine, no more, and if you dont manage to do so… there wont be tomorrow for this school. i dont care if you receive this letter or not, we could just explode you seven inside with everybody else, but i dont want to sacrifice human lives who are innocent just to kill some monster weavers.

Sincerely yours Official Lillian Evelyn

” hum… miss, can i leave? i got some real important business. ” Says Bianca.

” Ah, you gave me enough help already Bianca, we’re done for today, you can go home and rest a bit, theres school tomorrow too and all… ”

” Oh thank you miss! ” And Bianca runs right to the roof, upon arriving the roof, the night wind is blowing and the fair hair of a girl, at Bianca’s age is blowing by the wind, she is looking to the outside, wearing the school uniform. She turns and then greets Bianca:

” Evening, Bianca. ”

” Evening ahm… ” Bianca answers

” Lillian, ah, dont worry, i am alone, even thought i want to kill you seven for what you did to Isaac, and the evil shadow you cast upon the world, im here to just land a warning. ”

” Im listening. ”

” We’re in total control of the media of this town, as well the police. slowly we will take over the city, im telling you Bianca, it is just a matter of time, until the town is ready to receive the Walpurgisnacht. ”

” I know about the event, and, i dont see why do you still want to stop it. ”

” Its dangerous to have two gods, it is also dangerous to have such a power roaming the world. And, i will make it clear Bianca, your powers are no longer needed, we have science to push humanity forward, even thought Earth plagues us, and tries to show the other way around, nowdays we have plenty proof to show that we dont need you, and that we can control nature. Face it, nobody is really going to miss you, you make no difference in the world, as a weaver and as a person. ”

” I dont care, i just came here to make sure nobody gets hurt. ”

” Nobody is going to get hurt, but i cant say about things. ”

” What are you saying? ”

” Do you even consider yourself a person? Ah, i got it, its April’s fool. ”

” I am not joking, i dont want my friends nor myself hurt either. ”

” And i am also not joking when i say, im going to take the seven of you down, one by one, watch out Bianca, the real hunt is about to begin. ”

And with that the Officer Lillian jumps of the building, using a hook to land safely on the ground.

” Expect me, Bianca. ” she says, waving goodbye

Chapter Six: The Weaver of Faith and The Paladin of Virtue

” The name is Lilac, if you dont already know, these others are Glas, Rumena and Cian. ” Lilac sighs.

” Why did you told him our names? ” Cian asked

” Politeness, even if hes lying, which for his own good i hope he is not, we should demonstrate our politeness. ” Lilac answers. ” So Isaac, why dont you just leave us alone? We didnt killed anyone until it was necessary for our own sake. ”

” Im sorry miss Lilac, but thats impossible, i cant stop hunting you down, its my duty. My orders come from people high above, higher than you think. ” He says with softness within

” Is it something religious? ” Lilac asks.

” No it is not, we were once a organization working in the name of god, but now, we are an organization working in the name of humanity, we fight for its sake. ” Answered Isaac, and he continued. ” As you might have realized, the power in the hands of the Weaver race is definitely something monstrous, as in how immense it is. So, imagine if someone tries to gather more power and strength in order to take upon the world, what kind of damage such a person, blind by power can do? We exist to control your kin. ”

” We need not your control, we are no animals. ” Lilac answers back. ” Your people hunt us like that, for fear, little girls at the age of 17 can cause so much fear into your hearts? ”

” It is not you, it is your power. ”

” And who controls the power? Mister paladin. ” Lilac rapidly asks.

” And what if the power controls you. ” he answered back

” Did i attacked first? Who was the one who kidnapped a small girl without any special reason, but the fact she can use magic? Not to mention my other friend, she and her family were attacked in the middle of the night, just as we were, but you killed everyone, father, mother, brother and sister, i was the only one to survive as i ran away trying to get home in peace. ” Lilac pauses breathes and continues. ” Yes i killed all of the agents on that night, because i thought that i should. Killing someone, who were part of the life of others, someone who had dreams, who had plans, who was important to others, is a crime, and it must be punished. ”

” Very well, but what happens if the demon keeps on… ”

” Demon? There is no demon but you, who are hunting innocent people just because they can do things you cant. But we have this power to aid, not to cause harm. Every weaver but Glas, who is a complete sloth to books, knows this. ”

” Hey! ” Glas yells

” Shut up Glas, im having a important conversation here! ” Lilac shouts back and Glas puts her tongue out.

” As i was instructed, its useless to talk about this. ” Isaac says, ” I should be just performing my orders. ”

” Then do come. ” says Lilac in a inviting tune

As Glas readies her bow, Lilac lifts her hand and says:
” This time im serious, this guy is mine. ”

” We’ll be ready to give you backup if you need Lilac. ” Says Cian.

” So, we’re going to have a duel? ” Isaac asks

” Yes, so you can have your ass kicked and delivered back to you in a silver plate, proving that we are no animals, and we play fair and square. ” Lilac quickly answers back. ” get ready, Rumena will give the signal. ”

Rumena breathes deeply and the she starts. ” Ready? ” and then, after a while, she announces it; ” Fight! ”

Lilac burst forward with an explosion of purple light, jumping in the air trying to land a kick on Isaac, he swifly raises his shield deflecting Lilac back, taking the opening he tries to slice his sword forward, but Lilac steps in the ground causing a small tremor, taking Isaac out of balance, she then, as fast as possible punches his shield, the shield apparently absorbs magic, but she cares not about the damage right now, she just wants to make Isaac move backwards, hitting as strong as she can against the shield, one, two, three punches and then a direct kick aimed to its center, Isaac feels his arm getting numb with the barrage of attacks and rolls to the side, he crouches and in a instant motion rises spinning, trying to slice Lilac, she projects a light pole and parries his attack, and rapidly jumps backwards.

Isaac takes out a gun and shots at her, she projects a lighscreen and all the shots are negated.

” Why did you took the gun out? ” She asks,

Isaac replies while running up to her ” You never said there was a rule about guns. ”

” So its an all out? ”

” Yes miss Lilac, its an all out. ” he answers back.

” Im starting to like you. ” She answers back.

Isaac cathes up to her and tries an diagonal slash, top left downwards to down right, Lilac evades it, Isaac keeps the pressure doing the same, but now slicing the opposite. Lilac firmly steeps on the ground, making an arch motion with her arm and hitting her wrist agains his, Isaac takes the impact and have his arm deflected, Lila takes the opening to take his shield out and she tries, jumping lightly into the air and performing a movement called Dragon Kick, a kind of roundhouse kick but faster and meant for real close ranges. Isaac avoids impact doing a quarter circular movement counterclockwise, he then, recovers the momentun with his sword and trusts it forward, Lilac crouches, the sword passes through her hair, she aims her hand at Isaac’s trunk and shots a blast of purple light, Isaac is hit, and the impact blows him away a few centimeters, Lilac keeps the chase, she enters kicking his sword’s arm from the side, making a 180 turn, she uses her position now to land an heavy punch direcly to his chest.
And it makes contact. Lilac direcly lands a heavy punch on Isaac, an splash of purple light can be seen blowing from his back, Isaac imediately reacts lifting his knee and hitting Lilac’s stomach, Lilac feels a bit dizzy.
Isaac tries to finish her with a slice, but Lilac has not given up yet. She launches a punch that meets exactly with Isaac’s elbow, Isaac shows pain in his face, Lilac rolls forward and sweeps Isaac’s feet away, he falls, she quickly stands and tries shooting a blast of light at him. Once, he side rolls, Twice, he does the same, thrice, he tries to stand up, Lilac reacts causing another tremor, this time wavelike lights spread from her feet, Isaac loses balance and fails to stand up, Lilac does again, Isaac is threw airbone.

” Now i got you. ” she says as she points her hand and lands three instantaneous blasts of purple light, and the three directly hit him in the chest. She runs up to him and kicks him back into the air, aims her palms again and shots twice the same blast, she then jumps a flying kick direcly into his chest, purple light blows from his backs, he spills some blood and his armor cracks as he hits the wall of some house, quickly, he draws his gun and shots, twice. She first shot grazes Lilac left arm, leaving a scratch in it, the second is completely deflected by a lightscreen, Lilac shots back, but Isaac is still with his almighty grip in his shield, deflecting Lilac’s shoot

” Mange Lilla Skudd! ” Lilac chants and two circles with a seven tipped star appear behing her.

” Oh shi… ” He had no time to finish, the two circles started to shoot a merciless barrage of shots at him, and aparently, they dont need Lilac to keep on shooting.

Lilac busts in the air, she executes a mortal roll airbone and lands at Isaac’s shield with a hammer kick, the shield crackes and is shattered.

” Fuck you! ” Says Isaac, he side rolls and the barrage destroys the wall where he was imprisoned, Lilac tries to chase but he slices forward buying space, he swiftly rises and runs up to her, he lands his elbow in Lilac’s shoulder blowing her away a few centimeters, and tries slicing her arm down, She then casts a blast of purple light, but Isaac steeps backward.

Both are exhausted.

” Damn, ” Says Lilac breathless ” That one hurt. ”

” I could tell you the same, ” Says Isaac, breathless as she is

” It is not over yet thought. ” She says

” Neither i would want it to end like this. ” Isaac answers back, he runs over to her, trying to hit her overhead. Lilac steps firmly on the floor, and trusts her hand upwards, meeting with Isaac’s arm, a splash of light is seen, and Isaac lets out an pitch of pain while being pushed backwards by instinct.
Lilac performs a turning kick and lands it directly on Isaac’s chest, the armor is shattered now, but as reaction he lands a punch on Lilac’s ribs, she feels the pain and falls to the ground.

he readies his sword overhead again and tries to carve it in Lilac. She looks at him and instantly taps the ground.

A huge purple explosion of light could be seen.

Chapter Five: The Prey also Bites

They indeed did it.
They jumped from a 30th floors tall bulding, without thinking twice, their chasers however used this chance to shot them down as they fell, mercilessly shooting at them Cian put up a lightscreen to block the shots there were coming downwards to them, in these split seconds, Glas was able to see more agents preparing an ambush at the ground.

” Jewel deannaigh! ” she yelled, and a circle with a mark resembling a jewel was projected on the floor, soon after, it all exploded in a green and sparky explosion, as if jewels really had exploded around the ground. After a second, They started shooting upwards, and Lilac casted a lightscreen to block the shots coming from the ground.

” Lightening… ” Rumena says as she joins hands, and in the next half second her eyes start to shine yellow, she spreads her arms wide and chants ” Spread wide upon my call! ” she yells and upon yelling,  cutting the night sky down, a shower of thunder falls around the girls, Cian’s shield protects them from the Lighting, but not their attackers.
And as soon as they land, they rush to the gates, but their way is blocked by more agents, and they dont spare time, starting to shoot once again, Cian projects a sphere around them, and from the other side, more agents are shooting them, Lilac says:
” Hurry! to the walls! ” so they go.
By the side of the wall Lilac places her hand and chants ” Lilla Eksplojon! ” a Rune resembling a F is drawn in the wall instantly, she then yells ” Step away! ” the girls take some steps behind.

” Hurry Lilac! ” Cian yells.

” Aktiver! ” Lilac shouts, and with her shout, the rune lights up, causing a explosion. They dont have time to lose, they enter the dust and just keep on running.

” Where are we going? ” Glas asks

” I have no idea yet! ” Lilac answers

” Why do we keep on running? They will never leave us in peace if we do, i feel like im a rabbit who just keeps on running from a lion who will never give the chase up. ” Says Glas.

Lilac then breathes deeply and says ” Are you guys, up to a fight? ”

” You serious Lilac? ” Says Rumena.

” Dead Serious. ” Lilac says, her voice changed. She stops and chants ” Lilla Kostnad. ” Lilac breathes deeply and says:
” I will show them, who is the real prey now. ”

The other three stops on their tracks as they see the purple haired girl walking calm and resolute in direction of their chasers, she points her fingers forward as a gun. The other Three are still watching as Lilac moves forward.

” Lilac! ” Cian yells

” Dont try to stop me now, Glas woke me up to this, and i will… ”

” Lilac, stop saying ” i, i, i. ” its ” Us ” and one more thing. ”

” What. ”

” Lets drawn them out to the street, we have a better ground there. ”

Lilac turns back, Looks to Cian, and opens up a shining smile that doesnt lasts long, until she shouts: ” Okay! Lets do this! ” they go outside to the street. Now in the middle of the deep night, its completely deserted.

” Dont worry about their positions, ill keep an magic field, so we can work better. ”

” Magic field? ” asks Glas

” Glas did your family taught you something about magic? ” Lilac responds her, frowning her browns.

” They gave me some books, but as they were thick i didnt read, besides, its hard to read in old irish. ”

Lilac face palms. ” Fine, i’ll tell you what is a magic field. Listen close: A magic field is a limited area under the some kind of magical effect, the field can have a wide range of effects cast at the same time, so basically, Cian is setting up a base for us right now. ”

the second Lilac finishes, gunshots can be heard ” Do your best, girls! ” She says, and she dashes forward to the fray. Shooting is proving useless as Lilac dashes through shoring back and blocking every single one of them with a small light screen in front of her.
” Lilla Skut! ” She screams and starts shoring back, the Paladins get close to her, they switch to knives.

” Do you guys really want to fight like this? ” Lilac is not unprepared to fight, shes a martial artist, a good Kung-fu student. The gunshots didnt stopped, and cian screams from far, ” Its a group of seven, Lilac stay on your toes, Glas, go give Lilac a good ranged cover, get ready for casting your nukes Rumena. ”

” Roger. ” they say in unison, Glas runs into the fray, chanting ” éan sa spéir, teacht síos le mo lámha, bandia bogha! (bird in the sky, come down to my hands, Goddess bow! ) ” a green bow of light materializes in Glas hands, and with is, she starts shooting, as if it was a real bow.

Lilac is attacked from behind, but she quickly reacts with a spining kick right to the ribs, upon landing her blow, a purple light splash can be seen and the sound of broken bones, the cloaked screams and falls, in the same second, another cloaked approaches her, trying to land the knife in her shoulder from her side, she performs an arc motion with her arm,parrying the attack hitting her wrist against the cloaked wrist, then, with her other hand, she punches the mouth of his stomach, again, a splash of light blows from the backs of her target, and he vomits blood and gastric juices altogether, yet another cloaked tries to hit her, but hes blew away by two green needles of light, piercing both his right chest and the right side of his stomach.

Rumena points her two hands forward, her two hands are wide open and her arms together by her wrists, ” Gospod grom(lord thunder) ” she chants, her eyes glow yellow and a circle of light appears in front of her, scribles are being drawn, slowly minor circles are being aded, a bigger one appears on the middle of the main circle and inside it, the shape of a star with twelve tips is drawn. ” cut teče po zraku (cut running through the air!) ” the circle starts to turn in 3 layers, from the outer ring to the inner ring, they spin clockwise and anti-clockwise alternating between each layer, they then, separate, the main circle remains near Rumena, and the other two push a little forward ” iskrenje osvetlitev! ( Spark Lighting ) ” she yells, and then, a wide and bright lighting is shot from her hands as if its a cannon, cutting its way through the air, it takes two cloakeds who were running.
Lilac is dashing her way along with Rumena’s Blast, a cloaked shots against her and she shields herself immediately with a lighscreen, Glas hits it on the head from far, Lilac  stops and looks behind in surprise, 6 were taken, but her surprise is that, none of the girls, no one of them hesitated. Lots of things are passing through her mind, as well as it might be inside each girl’s but, still they didnt even blinked a wink for the killing, until now.
” Amazing. ” she says. But then, a voice calls from not so distant:

” Most wonderful, you four did it as yours ancestors used to. ”

” Lilac! Watch out! ” Glas shots him but he puts his shield in front of him, the shield simply dispels the needle of green light. Lilac turns to see it, its the same person in armor she saw before jumping. She readies herself, and he unsheathes a sword.

” I know, i will present myself. I am Isaac. ” he says, with a bow.

Chapter Four: Brink of a Peacefu Life

Night is falling, Lilac, Glas and Rumena keeps on running without saying a word, there is no gunshots anymore. But Lilac said that ” their worst weapon are not bullets, but Blades. ”
The girls keep on running the deserted streets until the avenue, upon turning in the avenue corner they are safer, as the flux of people going home is huge, and then they stop on Running.

” Alright, keep an eye to the bus for me while i give Cian a call. ” Says Lilac taking her phone out from the pocket in her skirt.

“We’re a bit safer now. Right? ” says Glas, doing her best to catch her breath.

” Yeah, yeah, now we can feel a bit more rested. ” Says Rumena taking a deep breath and feeling the cold night’s air

” Cian said its alright if we go there. Now we have to ride a bus to her place ” Lilac says, ” and Glas, i expected a bit more from you. ”

” But i controled the situation. ” She says trying to explain. ” Didnt you saw, i pointed the gun to him and… ”

” Lilac, dont go so heavy on her, she did her best. ” Rumena says calmly patting Glas head.

” She jumped the gun, indeed, but i dont think they would kill us all like that, they probably want something from us, since there are just a few weavers in this town, ” Lilac sighs checking the busses. ” Im more disappointed at how Glas fell to her knees screaming, alright shes a girl, but come on. ”

” It was just tension, i took the stress too high. ” Glas says crossing her arms and stomping on the ground

” I know, i know, but screaming and falling to the knees could have killed you, thats why im disappointed. ” Lilac says as she makes signal to the bus

” You were worried about her right? ” Rumena asks.

” Yes i was, i dont want a friend getting hurt. ” Says Lilac Looking to the bus while it stops, Glas sighs.

” At least you’re very sincere Lilac. ” Says Rumena giggling

” I cant help, i have my faith high in everything we do. Though the only thing i cant forgive is having my friends getting hurt. ” They all ride in the bus, upon paying the fare. The bus is completely packed, people try to settle inside as more and more people get inside with each stop, the three of them spend the whole travel standing.

” Tough day, right? ” Says Glas trying to start a conversation, looking down to the flooring of the bus, feeling quite down.

” Yeah, mother wont be home today, so, going home wont be nice, father is also abroad. Ah, did you guys called home? ” Lilac is hanging on a sidepole.

” Oh yeah, my auntie will get worried. ” Says Rumena

” Where is your mother, Rumena? ” Asks Glas

” Mon went back to Slovenia, looks like my Grandmother is coming to pay us a visit this month. ” Says Rumena as she holds the pole tight.

Lilac Blinks and yells:
” Dont you say, you’re… wait a minute… how did you got kidnapped? ”

” Taxi. ” Rumena sighs

” No, not the vehicle, im asking about the metho… ”

Rumena interrupts lilac ” Thats just as i said, i went to the doctor by taxi, and i was going home also by taxi, nothing weird until he turned the wrong street and started heading to the Major Square. ”

” Did you called the same Taxi driver? ” Lilac Asks.

” No, he wasnt the same Taxi driver, also, when i got near the park the driver shot some kind of gas over my face and i felt asleep. ” Rumena says sighing

” Thats totally stupid as it is, they could totally have killed you, why did they hesitated? ” Lilac raises her tune, the other two look at her making a ” Shh ” motion

” Oh, right… we talk when we get by Cian’s ”

The rest of the ride was in silence, nothing to discuss and they were worn, running like that around the town, also the high levels of stress, something normal girls woundt be used.
As they finally arrive Cian’s building, they instantly run to the gates and calls Cian who lets them in, they ride the elevators still in silence. Cian’s building is 30 floors tall, Cian lives in the 23th floor, after a short wait they reach the 23th floor and Cian is already on the corridor waiting for them with her face worried.
Cian was wearing a shirt and cotton pants, in her eyes you could see worry.

” Come on in girls, come on in. ” they all barge in and are welcomed by a good smell of roasted beef, Rice in garlic, onions and oil and fries. ” Ah, im sorry i couldnt prepare anything better to welcome you guys, take of your shoes, here give me your blazers. ”

” Thank you Cian, you’re indeed the best, im sorry for worrying you. ” Says Rumena

” No problem, are you guys staying for the night? I believe it would be the best for all of us. ” Says Cian while they eat altogether in the living room, Lilac is quietly watching the TV with a gentle and warm smile. Rumena, Cian and Glas are talking quietly about the day, as if nothing ever happened. As if today was just a normal day, they there having fun, then Lilac finishes her dish and asks:
” Could i borrow your shower Cian? ”

” Go Ahead Lila. ” she answers and once Lilac exists Rumena makes a sad face.

” What is wrong runi? ” Glas uses to call Rumena this way. ” Is something the matter? ”

” I still dont know why would they kidnapped me, i still dont know why did they didnt just killed me or the five of us when they had chance, what are they trying? what do they want with us? ”

” Wont they kill us, once they have each one in their hands? ” Said Cian

Glas remained silent, this was indeed a deep mystery, why keep them if they could just eliminate each of them easily? Kidnapping Rumena was child’s play and would be hard to do with the others.
Then Cian lifts her hand to her chin, and she says: ” Awareness. ”

” Awareness? ” says Glas in surprise.

” Dont you see how Lilac grew stronger and more defensive? from us all, shes the harder one, killing one by one would only make us smarter by the time until we declare thats its all out. We might know nothing about our potential. But with the right amount of Awareness, who knows. Lilac can do certain things with just a single line that we would have to focus a bit more. I know, Shes faithful, but… Awareness kind of woke up some senses inside her that made her a better weaver than us. ”

” Taking by that side, they would want to get her before getting any one of us. right? ” Says Glas, and the girls look at her in shock. ” What? ” she asks ” Did i said something wrong? ”

” No its just that… ” Cian shakes her head, ” Never mind, well, back to what we were saying, you’re right Glas, their priority is taking Lilac down, as with each mistake, she grows more aware, as we all do. Each challenge we manage to escape, is a new strenght. ”

” The more mistakes they make, the better we grow? ” Asks Glas

” Not quite Glas, ” Rumena answers smiling ” but if the impact is strong, we might get smarter and, as my auntie said, the main mechanism of our spells is cast by our willpower, so, the stronger our resolution and the willpower, the better we will do, just like Lilac does. ”

” Ah, i see… ” she ponders.

Lilac then gets out of the shower wrapped in a towel and see the three chatting, she feels kind of awkward and asks:
” Whats wrong? ”

” Nothing at all Lila, ah, i believe you girls dont have any changes right? ” Answers Cian, standing up from the couch, ” I dont know if they’ll serve but, feel free to use mine. ”

” Do you have any clips around Cian? ” Asks Rumena.

” Ah, yes i do, why do you ask? ”

” well, i can clip the clothing, so they’ll fit and wont fall. ” she says pointing her index finger to the roof.

After some while chatting things of their everyday, Lilac brings back some important points

” First of all, why didnt they killed Rumena when they could? ”

” We had this chat before already Lilac, and, the answer is Awareness. ” Answers Cian

” As in? ” said Lilac, sounding confused.

” The more mistakes they make, the more aware we will be of them and, the harder it will be to catch us, also, their main target right now might be you, since you are the most alert of us right now. ”

” That answers a lot of questions… ” she says, playing with a wisp of hair.

The night moves on and they stay up until 2:am, they simply fall asleep all over the living room, sleeping peacefully. For Lilac, Glas and Rumena, this sleep was their greatest conquest today. For them, being asleep now was promise that tomorrow they would be still alive.
But in the middle of the night Cian wakes up, still sleepy, she looks to her room and then looks around, saying:

” Haha, they were so tired that they felt asleep right here in the living room… Poor girls. ” suddenly she felts a chill in her spine ” urg, tonight the wind breeze is cold isnt it? wait… ”

she then stands up and goes to the kitchen, drinks a cup of water, she stays in the kitchen, there she chants:
” Mirror me. ” and a copy of her, a doppelganger appears. She them, sends the doppelganger walking to the living room to try waking Lilac up, as it crouches to touch Lilac, a cloaked figure runs out from her room trying to hit the doppelganger in the back.

” Cresciente! ” she yells from the kitchen, making a crescent motion in the air, from the air a crescent moon shaped light flies and hits the side of the cloaked figure, sending it stumbling in the wall, the noise wakes up the other three girls.

” Goddammit! what the hell was it! ” Lilac screams, as soon as she notices the cloaked figure she yells ” Lilla Skutt! ” and shots a bullet of purple light right into the cloaked figure’s head spot.

” Lilac, try to not leave stains on my home! ” Cian yells ” Specially blood, its way hard to get rid of it. ”

” What!? As if we had any choice ” Lilac yells back.

” The room! ” Glas yells, pointing her palm to the door of Cian’s bedroom, a green lightscreen has been cast in the door and now theres two cloaked figures slashing knives against it. ” Man! they’re cracking my barrier with just knives! ”

Lilac stands and runs to the door, she opens it as fast as she can and makes a signal for the girls to leave. With the girls in the corridor, Lilac closes the door and chants:
” Gate Closed, may stay unnopened, Sealed Lock! ” and a line of purple light makes a cross over the door, taking the shape of chains afterwards.

” I can hear sounds of people coming from downstairs. ” Glas says.

” Hurry, Upstairs! ” Rumena yells, ” I have a plan. ”

They take the stairs, running to the top of the building, the tapping sound that is chasing them is getting louder and louder, ” Get ready to do something, they’re getting closer! ” Cian yells.

” They are goddammit fast, this way they might catch us, get your bullets ready! ” Lilac says, and so each girl chants their charge spell, the charge spell prepares a good load of projectiles to be shot without cast.

Upon reaching the top of the building, Lilac kicks the door opening it wide, and they step outside, after sealing the door Lilac then asks ” Ok, whats the plan Rumena? ”

” We’ll… ” she was interrupted by the loud noise of a explosion without delay from the dust a  man yells ” GO! ”

” Shit! ” Lilac waves her arm in front of her creating a purple lightscreen, and before they could notice they are being shot, the screen is taking care of the shots, Lilac is shooting back but the guys are getting closer dodging her bullets.

” Jump! ” Rumena screams, as she throws herself from the building.

” Wha!? ” the other three scream in unison

Without much delay they also jump from the 30th floor building with her. Lilac being the last, she sees before jumping, in the middle of the cloaked ones, a man wearing pieces of armor bearing a shield.

” Who is this guy? ” was the last tought in her mind.

Chapter Three: Heed my Call

Five girls running nonstop through the streets of a small town, thats not a sight this people is used to see. They just keep on running following the purple haired one, as her long hair down to her waist sways in the wind, their pace is steady and their speed is fast, their movements through the streets is kind of blurry. They keep on Heading in the same direction and once they reach the biggest square in this town, Lilac, the purple haired one, suddenly stops.

” Wha… ” Even Scarlet was out of breath. ” What was that Lila? whats so wrong you ran here. ”

Lilac then turns to her friends, with a serious face, holding the paper tight, she then aspires air and says:
” Its a trap, but its a trap i cannot turn a blind eye to. I have to bite their bait. ”

Cian looks puzzled, if Lilac knows its a trap there must be a real solid reason for her to bite it. Then she touches the ground closing her eyes, she spreads her mind through a fine thread of light projected from her palm, it enters the soft soil and starts traveling the park. Cian then sees it, a small girl, just a bit taller than Bianca, with brown hair up to the middle of her backs, and brown eyes. Rumena has been taken hostage inside, there are about ten men around, they are armed all of them dressed in camouflage but one, who was dressed in a fine white suit. Their weapons were heavy caliber revolvers and rifles.
Cian looks to Lilac, who is facing fearlessly the park gates, she puts her hand over the girl’s shoulder’s, Lilac is trembling.

” Are you really alright Lilac? ”

” Yeah, What did you saw? ”

” Ten of them. ”

” Heavy armed? ”

” Up to the neck. ”

” Bastards, and i am but a girl. ” She sighs, ” Is Rumena really inside? ”

” Yes she is, i made sure it was her. ” Cian looks up to the gate, ” there is no mistake. ”

Lilac snaps her finger and makes a tight fist, from within her fist a glowing orb starts to shine, the wind starts to blow strong. She says: ” I dont want to enter with the surprise element, if i am going inside to fight, i wont leave before i have ten of them killed, or my body cold and lifeless. ”

” I will go with you Lila. Viola was also my friend and i couldnt do anything to protect her, Rumena is also the closest friend i have, let me go with you Lila, please. ” Glas is standing by her side looking up to the gate. ” i want to do something this time. ”

” You sure about this glas? We might need to kill someone. ” Lilac states this looking to her friend’s decided face.

” I couldnt care less now. ” Glas then claps and from her clapping a circle with a eight pointed star on its center, ” we’re not the only ones in this world who have to live like this, hiding as if we were the worst kind of abomination wandering in the face of this planet. I didnt asked to be born with this curse! Goddammit! All i want is to be left alone, i dont even know why i am being hunted! ” she then releases the grip from the glowing circle and it floats in front of her as it it was an aim.

” Lila… ” Bianca approaches her ” its safer if everyone goes in together, we can backup each other, our specialties matches perfectly together. ”

” No Bianca, you should go home with Cian and Scarlet, call miss Sienna and ask her to spend the night with her. From us all, you’re the one we worry the most. If we dont appear tomorrow for school, leave the town. ” Lilac doesnt even looks to her friend, and as soon as she finishes this sentence, she kicks inside the square together with Glas.

Bianca holds her cry, as Scarlet and Cian takes her home.
Inside the square, Lilac and Glas go walking among the trees, slowly as they try to see anything suspicious.
” Lilac, ” Says Glas ” Why dont we send doppelgangers? ”

” We dont know what kind of artifacts they are holding, they could be using ilusion detectors or even mana ones, our only chance is to get to Rumena, free her and run, we can also kill every little one of those bastards, but… ”

” But? ” Glas looks at Lilac with a curious face

” They are probably trained to deal with us ” Lilac looks directly to Glas, with a faint smile and then she says. ” So… any plans? ”

Glas drops her jaws. ” Please dont say you came in without a plan. ”

” Okay. ”

Glas eyes start to water, her breath starts to get loose and lose rhythm. Lilac fastly says ” Ok, ok, i have a plan. Run to the main road of the square, its a  direct line to Rumena. ”

” Ok fine, then what happens next? ” Glas asks with anxiety

” i’ll run to Rumena, casting a reflection spell, all you will have to do is to shoot as fast as you can. ” Lilac gasps, breathes, and then looks to Glas with a broken smile.

” Dont you expect me to buy such a broken smile. ” Glas say

” But did you bought the plan? That is the most important part right now. ” Lilac’s smile gets bigger, but even more broken.

”  Why is it any important? We should be heading out right now. ”

” Because, if you believe in me i can also believe in me. ”

” Lets just leave it as it is Lila, ” Glas shakes her head ” its probably not going to work. ”

The Two are now clueless, stuck inside the square, tension is starting to stagnate and they are clearly getting more and more nervous as time passes, Lilac starts to show affliction in her face open wide for everyone to see, Glas is starting to worry too it has been a hour since they barged in the man in white suit turns to Rumena and says:
” Turns out weavers arent so close after all, hahaha you’ve been abandoned little girl. ”
She stays silent, with her eyes closed and breathing calmly and deeply, the man then, grabs one of her breasts gently stroking and whispers in her ear:

” Are you trying to cast a spell? you little… ” then someone screams in the distance

” Get your dirty hands out of my friend! ”
And with that three green explosions shake the square grounds, the man loses his balance and in the middle of the dust, Glas is standing alone, pointing her finger directly to him.

” Step away from her. ” She says, the man is astonished and then Glas repeats herself yelling out loud. ” Step away from her. Now! Im ready to shot, and i promise you i wont miss. ”

Lilac was still concealed in the woods of the square, watching everything from a close but safe range, she can only see three of ten men but that is not her main worry, tension is now rising up again, knowing glas she is confident that she wont move no matter what happens, but the man in white suit is trying to sneak on Rumena. He tries a step closer to her…

” Take your rotten leg back you pig. If this feet of yours touches the ground, i’ll blow your head so hard there wont be pieces of it to count later ” She is taking it really seriously, the feel in her voice is heavy and intimidating, threatening, each word of her is a dagger pressed against the neck of that man.
She really got the control of this situation, thought Lilac, and now her brain is starting to engineer something, she whispers something while crawling in the grass of the woods:
” Stream of life, beating within, i ask the sight, of all things to me akin. ” As she does so, she starts to see everything that is alive as a distinct shape, camouflage wont work anymore as she is detecting things by their life energy, She can see all of them, Including the white suit man, Glas and Rumena.
Lilac keeps on moving slowly crawling through the grass, she looks to her front,  points her finger in direction of one of the camouflaged man, and says. ” Come on Lilac… come on, you did this before now do it again. ” her arm is trembling. ” come on… ” she breathes a deeply holds her arm with the other hand and then she wishpers:
” Lilla Kostnad. ” small purple orbs start shining at the tips of Lilac’s fingers, with the hand mimicking a gun, she then, wispers a little louder. ” Lilla Skutt. ” and from the tip of her index finger the small orb is shot like a bullet out from a gun. A small splatting sound is heard and afterwards the body of the man falls to the ground with a dull thump.
” They are nine now. ”

As Lilac proceeds taking each of them silently in the woods, Rumena is still in the middle of the square, the man in white is just a steep away from her and across from both of them is Glas, who is pointing her finger directly to the man in white. He says:
” You know, i am not alone, if you try anything to me, i have a real good backup ready to strike you down. ”

” Then give Rumena back, and nobody will get hurt. ”

” You dont understood the situation right you are in no… ” Glas then yells back:

” No. You are the one who is not understanding, i am threatening you, i have the gun pointed to you here. I am the one who makes the rules and everything else. ”

” But by this time, you do recon that there are rifles being pointed to you right? ” The man in white smiles back a wry one, adjusting his hat over his head.

Rumena whispers something in a real low voice, it can barely be heard but Glas recognizes it. she says:
” Lightening… ”
Glas also sees a small purple flash in the woods, ” Lilac is taking care of them. ” She thought.

In the woods, Lilac is calmly and steadily taking care of each one of them, Seven were taken care of and now resting just one and the man in white. she just cant feel the ninth camouflaged, even thought she is using life detection. She then looks to the man in white and points her finger in his direction, he wont be able to see her, as she is positioned out of his vision field.
but this ninth man is making she feel very anxious.

” I dont think you have any chance anymore, just hand Rumena over. ”

” I know that there is a third weaver here, and i also know that each one of my agents has been killed by your friend. ”

” What? ” both Lilac and Glas are surprised, Glas aim is starting to tremble.

” Dont you weavers seek power more than anything? ” he says laughing softly, ” Yes, power, and we are here to control you, so you wont take over the world with this absurd power that defies and defiles our world. ”

” What the hell are you blabling about? Are you by any chance so scared that you cant think properly anymore and is trying to confuse us or buy time? ” Glas states back to him

” Time? i need no time, ” he then taps his leg and the ground starts to shake vigorously, a crack can be seen and in this instant, Lilac points the palm of her hand in direction of the man in white and screams ” Lilla Kommentar! ”
A comet shape crosses the square, taking the upper half of the man in white, Glas screams loud falling to her knees and from the crack a huge metallic thing rises from the underground.

” G-Golem! ” Glas screams. Golems are constructs of Enchanting, Enchanting is something that can be done by many ways, magic is not really necessary, there is no difference from a golem and a robot.

But calmly from her position, Rumena opens her eyes, as they are shining yellow, and all around the golem a huge complex magical circle with a sharp mark resembling a crack appears.
” Heed my call! ” she screams out loud stretching her arms to the sky. And as she does so, a huge thunder falls over the golem, engulfing it completely. the golem falls lifeless to the ground, with a loud sound and shaking the ground as well, Lilac runs out from the woods screaming.

” Run, theres more of them! ”

the three start running then, as fast as they can, gunshots can be heard, Lilac weaves her hand and a translucent screen of purple light is projected behind then, it serves as a shield. as they keep on running outside the square.

” Glas! Call miss sienna, tell her to take Rumena’s parents out. ” Says Lilac

” Fine, But where are we going? ”

” I dont know yet. ” Lilac answers

” Lets head to Cian’s ” Rumena says.

” Yeah, come on! move! ”

as they keep on running to the avenue.